Amola Legal | Legal Firm Delhi

Property Lawyer's in Delhi

Property Lawyers

Amola Law Firm is absolutely a one-stop point on the whole sort of matters associated with the property. We work towards being a firm of the first choice for the clients seeking excellent legal advice from barristers with extensive experience in common and civil law along with especially involving property related matters.

Property Right :

At first Right to Property was one among the Fundamental Rights within part 3 of Constitution of Indian, now it just a Legal Right under Part 12 by Article 300A of the Indian constitution which was created by the 44th Amendment Act of 1978.

Indian Constitution Rights Assosiated to Teansfering Property :

Transfer of Property Act 1882 :

The act “transfer of property” in which a living person conveys property, in present or in future, to one or more other living persons, or to himself, 1[or to himself] and one or more other living persons; and “to transfer property” is to perform such act.

India Sucession Act 1925 :

Succession to the immovable property of a person deceased shall be regulated by the law of [India], wherever such person may have had his domicile at the time of his death.

Some Fraudulent issues of Property Are..

  • Title fraud were not mentioning the owner of the property.
  •  Document forgery, faking signature of the property’s owner.
  •  Equity forgery
  •  Land forgery, selling land which does not belong to them.
  •  Home loan forgery against the property.
  •  Illegal flipping, buying a property and selling it as soon as possible for a higher price in the market.

Fraudulent property issue comes under section 420. They will be punished with the fine amount and imprisonment for seven-years.

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