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Consumer's Lawyer's Delhi

Consumer's Lawyers

Consumer law provides protection to the consumer against issues like fraud or mis-selling when they purchase a product or service. Consumer markets have to abide by the rules and regulations of this directive.This practice area also protects organisations regarding issues like copyright or intellectual property rights theft.

Consumer protection is a selection of laws that protect individual consumers against unfair selling practices for goods, services and digital content. 


Consumer Protection Act !

The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was enacted to provide a simpler and quicker access to redressal of consumer grievances. The Act for the first time introduced the concept of ‘consumer’ and conferred express additional rights on him.

There are a few simple requirements under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986. To clarify, cases that do not require laboratory tests must resolve within 90 days of registration. Unfortunately, fewer than 60% of the cases will not see the light of day in a district form. The outcome is an eye-opener for anyone who wants to ensure that the customer courts are fast and easy.

Consumer And Commercial Disputes

  • Quality of products and services.
  • Claims regarding failure to provide or complete services.
  • Non-payment of bills.
  • Return or retention of deposits.
  • Contract interpretation.
  • Dissolution of partnerships.
  • Injury, loss or damage claims.
  • Compliance with warranties.

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